HP 5L/6L

Delivery Assembly

Ref Part # Description
  RG5-2012 Delivery Assembly 5L
RG5-3474 Delivery Assembly 6L
1 RB1-7284 Delivery Roller #1
2 RB1-7285 Delivery Roller #2 5L
RB2-1685 Delivery Roller #2 6L
3 RB1-7286 Delivery Spring #1
4 RB1-7287 Delivery Spring #2
6 RG5-2015 Spur Assembly Outside 5L
RG5-3479 Spur Assembly Outside 6L
7 RG5-2014 Spur Assembly Inside 5L
RG5-3478 Spur Assembly Inside 6L
8 RB1-7334 JP Protector

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