HP 5L/6L

Internal Components (1)

Ref Part # Description
1 RY7-5005 Gear Kit #1
2 RB1-7288 Exit Roller Bushing
3 RB1-7105 Fuser Release Tab
4 RB1-7106 Gear Plate 5L
RB2-1632 Gear Plate 6L
5 RB1-7107 Front Gear Case
6 RY7-5007 Fuser Release Kit
7 RH7-1282 Main Motor 5L
RH7-1320 Main Motor 6L
8 RY7-5006 Gear Kit #2 5L
RY7-5036 Gear Kit #2 6L
16 RG5-1984 EP/Cover Interlock 5L
RG5-3453 EP/Cover Interlock 6L
17 RF5-1521 Exit Roller 5L
RF5-2367 Exit Roller 6L
19 RG5-2000 Laser/Scanner 5L
RG5-3494 Laser/Scanner 6L
20 RB1-7385 Ground Clip, Scanner

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